Planning permission has been granted for a new electric vehicle charging point and substation near Chirk.

Shropshire Council has approved the new charging point at the Poachers Pocket, Gledrid which was proposed by Osprey Charging Network who provide chagrining points across the UK.

In their application to the council the company said: “We are seeking planning permission from Shropshire Council for the erection of an electrical substation and an eight charger, high-powered, Electric Vehicle Charging hub.

“It is our intention to make this site one our flagship hub sites in the UK, which will create a huge buzz and PR focus in the area.


“To accommodate the charging hub on the site while minimising disruption, we have located the development at the southern end of the site’s car park. This will contain the traffic to a single area and minimise disruption to the park; both during construction and during operation.

“The proposed development will have minimal visual impact to the local area, as the chargers and associated infrastructure are limited to 2.3 metres in height. The proposed development is of a small scale, especially when compared to the existing development in the area.”

The council approved the plans but have stipulated a few conditions, including that the station shall be painted in “a recessive (dark) colour” in order to “protect the visual amenities of the area.”