Two residents who have devoted their time to volunteering for the local community have been given the freedom of Ellesmere.

Pearl Allum and Chris Scott were presented the awards of Honorary Freewoman and Honorary Freeman to for their voluntary services to the town by Mayor Anne Wignall.

Pearl is well known in the town for her involvement with organising the annual Carnival and tirelessly runs many fundraising events throughout the year to allow this event to continue.

Border Counties Advertizer: Pearl Allum receives the freedom of EllesmerePearl Allum receives the freedom of Ellesmere (Image: Ellesmere Town Council)

The town council praised Pearl for her work and said: “She makes, organises and coordinates bunting decorations in town in the summer and Christmas decorations in the winter.

"The Carnival committee organise and run Santa’s Grotto, a much-loved feature of the Winter Festival.

“Councillors are pleased to have awarded Pearl the Honorary Freewoman award in recognition of her services to the town over many years.”


Chris was described as an “unsung hero of Ellesmere” and is regularly involved with the weekly litter picking group.

The town council praised Chris for his previous work when he used to organise the summer canal festival “until bureaucracy became too much for him”.

They added: “He has assumed responsibility for keeping the town map dispensers full ready for use by visitors, updates the noticeboards in town and helps to maintain the planters at the canal wharf throughout the summer months and has recently removed graffiti from around the town.

“Chris can usually be found volunteering as a marshal at local events and generally helps to keep the town looking clean and tidy.

“Councillors are pleased to have awarded Chris the Honorary Freeman award in recognition of his services to the town over many years.”