HOW much we know about one of Oswestry’s most loved landmarks is the subject of the next talk from the town’s history group.

On Friday, March 8, Oswestry and Border History and Archaeology Group’s (OBHAG) new president Tim Malim will give a talk entitled ‘What do we understand about Old Oswestry Hillfort?’

A spokesman for OBHAG explained his background and what people can expect from the talk.


They said: “Tim is currently the principal archaeologist with the Clywd Powys Archaeological Trust, managing the Trust’s Field Services Team on a part-time basis.

“He is also a director of his own company, Hampton Heritage Design and Consultancy.

“Tim has recently led a team conducting the first excavations on the hillfort for 80 years and he is co-editor of ‘Old Oswestry Hillfort & its Landscape’ (2020).”

The talk, preceded by a short annual general meeting (AGM), will take place at the Methodist Church Hall in Castle Street, Oswestry, starting at 7.30pm.

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Full details of Oswestry and Border History and Archaeology Group’s activities including monthly talks and lectures, and summer walks and visits are available on the group’s website at

New members and visitors are always very welcome with an entry fee of £2 for OBHAG members and £5 for visitors.

For all enquiries and for information about how to join, please contact OBHAG via the secretary Gill Barrow at or the membership secretary Margaret Harrison at