A RE-SUBMITTED planning application for 20 holiday lodges at a farm near Ellesmere has received support from businesses both in the town and further afield.

The new bid for the change of use for land from forestry to tourism and the siting of the 20 lodges by Woodland Park Lodges, off Lion Lane, was submitted to Shropshire Council last week.

Ellesmere businesses such as Moolah, The Boat House, Vermeulen and Son, among others, as well as Cheshire theme park BeWILDerwood have backed the plans.

Pip Elms, from Moolah, wrote to Shropshire Council to support the application.


She said: “Many of our customers are visitors to the local area, therefore anything that will encourage more tourism in Ellesmere will benefit our business, as well as the local economy.”

This sentiment was echoed throughout the supporting comments.

Christie McDonald, from Steven Abbott Associates LLP, published a planning statement to Shropshire Council’s planning portal setting out why the application should be accepted.

In it, he set out reasons for the previous refusal by Shropshire Council in May this year as ‘no evidence has been provided to show that the established site is a viable tourism enterprise’.

It was also refused for a lack of information for a transport statement and would lead to a ‘loss of ancient woodland’, among other reasons.

Mr McDonald said: “It should be noted that the proposals do not include the removal of any trees.

“The scheme has been designed in a manner which ensures that no removal of woodland is required.

“This was also the case for the previously refused scheme so this was a clear error on the part of the LPA when determining the previous application.”

He added that national framework around sustainable transport solutions is varied when considered in a rural setting such as Ellesmere.

Mr McDonald also highlighted business support for the lodges and added that the lodges are ‘perfectly suited’ for the woodland setting.

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He also stated that the site had previously received planning permission for holiday lodges.

“The LPA has before them a planning application which will enhance and improve an existing tourism site and will also provide an economic boost to the local rural economy,” he concluded.

Consultation ends on Monday, November 6 and for more, search 23/04046/Ful at Shropshire Council’s planning portal.