THE Oswestry Olympians successfully defended their Lockdown 48 hour challenge earlier this month.

With Park runs, running races and events unable to take place as usual, virtual races have been one way to keep the competitive juices flowing.

The Lockdown 48 hour Challenges, organised by Yorkshire based Selby Striders, have been events where many clubs members can participate as part of a virtual team.

Individual runners in each team set off in their allocated time slot with the target of accumulating the most combined mileage for their team from Friday to Sunday lunchtime.

This meant running day and night on paths, roads, treadmills before handing over to the next runner on the social media page.

Everyone participating adhered to the lockdown regulations.

This event had 19 teams competing and as well the Olympians there was a team from Ellesmere Runners and two teams from Girls on the Run.

Team captain of the Oswestry Olympians, Brian Rothera, was delighted that not only did they win the first first place trophy, more members participated (45) and collectively they achieved 16 more miles than in the first event, covering a total distance of 363 miles.