ANOTHER heritage group in Oswestry has voiced its opposition to plans for a housing development close to the town's Iron Age hillfort.

Oswestry Civic Society says it objects to plans which have been resubmitted by Cameron Homes to build 83 homes on land between the B5069 and Whittington Road.

The campaign group Hands Off Old Oswestry Hillfort (HOOOH) has long opposed all developments within the setting of the historic structure, which English Heritage has called one of the most important hillforts in the country.

Civic Society chairman Richard Banks explained why it has submitted a comment opposing the development.

He said: “The Oswestry and District Civic Society strongly object to the planning application.


“No consideration has been given to the cumulative effects of the proposals, that is, how the altered landscape will add to previous harm resulting from the erosion of the hillfort setting from northwards creep of the town.

“The Coppy was previously treated in planning terms as a natural screen for earlier housing development.

“The proposal to develop beyond The Coppy would set a worrying new precedent for future proposals…it would adversely affect a valued and historically important landscape, one that provides a visual link between the scheduled monuments of Old Oswestry hillfort and Wat’s Dyke with Oldport, Park Hall, and Whittington, and the ancient road connecting them.

“The existing rural landscape enables the appreciation of the hillfort’s wider heritage connections through its setting.

“This would be radically and adversely changed by the proposed development, which would create an urban suburb devoid of historical resonance, and which would undermine contextual appreciation of the historical landscape.”

The society added its opposition to the development was also based on a lack of view of the hillfort from Whittington Road.

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It added: “The proposed development would exceed the northern limit for development, fail the obligation to demonstrate appropriate regard to the significance and setting of the hillfort and fail the obligation to meet the requirements to provide pedestrian and cycle path links.

“(It would) fail to the obligation to improve the junction of the Whittington and Gobowen roads.

“The hillfort is of national and international importance in both heritage and archaeological terms, and local and regional importance in recreational and cultural terms.

“These amenities are all enhanced by the rural context of the hillfort, and the 360 degree views available from this.

“The hillfort’s separation from the town must be preserved by the prevention of further urban encroachment into its setting.”

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