British Red Cross have released some first aid tips for people to follow for an festive emergencies.

Joe Mulligan, head of first aid education at the British Red Cross, says: “The festive period is a time full of celebration, but with so much excitement in the air, accidents can happen.

“With just a few simple first aid skills people can be equipped to deal with any injuries or illnesses that may arise this holiday season. There are plenty of ways to learn first aid with the British Red Cross. You can download our free first aid apps, visit our website for videos and tips, or book a course.”

British Red Cross first aid advice:

Let it snow

Few things are quite as exciting as seeing the first dustings of snow. However, icy pavements mean slips and falls are more likely.

If you trip over and have a sprain or strain, apply an ice pack to the injury (this could be frozen vegetables wrapped in something like a tea towel). This will reduce the swelling and pain. If you suspect a bone may be broken or the injury does not improve, seek medical advice.

Choking on a sprout

While you’re tucking into your Christmas dinner, if you see someone clutching at their chest or neck, unable to speak, cough or breathe, this means they are choking.

Bend them forwards and hit them firmly on their back between the shoulder blades to dislodge the object. If necessary, call 999 or get someone else to do it. Continue giving back blows until help arrives or the object comes out.

Preparing the roast potatoes

With all that veg to chop and often too many cooks in the kitchen, accidents can happen.

If someone is bleeding heavily, put pressure on the wound with whatever is available to stop or slow down the flow of blood. (You could use anything like your hand, a T-shirt or a tea towel.)

Call 999 as soon as possible, or get someone else to do it. Keep pressure on the wound until help arrives.

Flaming pudding burns

Candles, cosy fires, lighting the Christmas pudding … burns are common at Christmas.

Cool the burn under cold running water for at least ten minutes. If you’re out for Christmas lunch and don’t have immediate access to cold running water, use any cold liquid you could drink – such as milk, orange juice or fizzy drink – to begin cooling the burn.

Loosely wrap the burn in some cling film or a clean plastic bag. This will reduce pain and help prevent infection.

If it is a baby or child who has been burned, seek medical attention.

Allergic to Christmas

Over Christmas we eat all kinds of different foods, but people can have severe allergies to foods like nuts.

A person experiencing a severe allergic reaction may develop a rash, itchiness or swelling on their hands, feet or face, or their breathing may slow down. Call 999 when you observe these symptoms. Reassure them and make them comfortable while you wait for help to arrive.

If they already know they have an allergy, you can help them to use their auto-injector, or follow the instructions on the auto-injector to do it yourself.

A Very Merry Christmas

Many of us enjoy a tipple over Christmas, but over the party season some people may not know when they’ve had too much.

If you suspect someone has alcohol poisoning, try to find out what they have drunk, when and how much. Call 999 and give this information. If they become unresponsive, move them on to their side and tilt their head back. This will stop them from choking and will keep their airways open.

Get first aid advice at your fingertips with the free British Red Cross First Aid app or Baby and Child First Aid app.