Dyfed Powys Police are looking for information over damage caused to Llanfyllin’s public toilets.

Police are appealing for information over damage that was caused to the toilets at the Llanfyllin Public Institute a few weeks ago.

According to Dyfed Powys Police, at some point between May 28 and May 30, "persons unknown" entered the toilets at the institute, on Llanfyllin High Street, and caused damage to the toilets, cistern and fittings.

The damage was caused just a week after the toilets were given a much needed deep clean by the council’s ‘bog squad’ following several complaints from residents and visitors.


The clean up was the result of a town council sub-committee formed by councillors Jackie Griffin and Sean Cowham, who  joined the facilities regular cleaner on May 19 to give Llanfyllin public toilets a small renovation to ensure they are kept in clean and working order.

Anyone with information that could help officers with their investigation is asked to report it to Dyfed-Powys Police, either online at: https://bit.ly/DPPContactOnline, by emailing 101@dyfed-powys.police.uk, or by calling 101.

If you are deaf, hard of hearing, or speech impaired text the non-emergency number on 07811 311 908.