New restrictions on cars around north Shropshire schools at drop-off and pick up times have begun this week.

The school streets scheme launched during this week, with roads outside five schools' gates in the county now placed under temporary restrictions on cars and other motor vehicles around the start and end of the school day.

It also means that new ANPR enforcement cameras have been introduced that will be used to monitor vehicles entering the school streets without a permit.

That had led to anger among some parents about being faced with fines for dropping off the pupils.

Schools taking part in the pilot include Gobowen Primary, Woodside Primary in Oswestry, Mereside Primary, in Shrewsbury, Whitchurch Junior, and Market Drayton Junior School.

A pilot scheme will be introduced at St John’s Primary, Bridgnorth later this year, while a school street is already in place at Coleham Primary in Shrewsbury – implemented using coronavirus powers.

The School Streets scheme is funded through DfT grant funding and is estimated to cost approximately £31,000 for schools with one camera and £62,000 for schools with two cameras.

Any surplus arising from enforcement of School Streets will be reinvested back into the School Streets project to enable the continued rollout across the county. For the first six months of the pilot a grace period will be in place for first-time offenders.

“It’s really important that we make roads safe for all users, especially around schools, and I’m really pleased that our School Streets pilot will soon begin,” said Kirstie Hurst-Knight, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member for education, last month.

“School Streets have proven to be successful in increasing active travel levels to school as well as creating safer environments outside the school gates.

“Where traffic is restricted on roads outside schools at pick-up and drop-off times during term-times, School Streets make it safer and easier for children to walk, scoot and cycle to school.

"This reduces children’s exposure to air pollution on part of their journey to school and from cars with idling engines outside the school gates.”