Political parties in North Shropshire have reacted to the announcement of a general election.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak called a general election yesterday afternoon (May 22), with a poll date set for July 4.

The current Liberal Democrat MP for North Shropshire, Helen Morgan was bullish about the upcoming campaign and said: “Bring it on – people across Shropshire are fed up of this terrible Conservative Government and are crying out for change.

“Whether it’s the state of our NHS, sewage in our rivers, or farmers being subjected to thoughtless and damaging trade deals, the Conservatives have let Shropshire down.

“We will put Shropshire first in everything we do, fighting for our county on the issues that really matter.

“Let’s send the Conservatives a message they won’t forget anytime soon.”


The Conservative candidate, Simon Baynes - who is the MP for the soon to be dissolved neighbouring constituency of Clwyd South - is hoping to take back North Shropshire for the party.

In a statement online, he said: “I am very honoured to be the Conservative Parliamentary Candidate for North Shropshire in the general election on July 4.

“I live in Lower Hordley, near Ellesmere, and will knock on doors and campaign over the next six weeks to make North Shropshire an even better place to live.”

The Green Party are hoping for a good showing after their good performance in elections in Oswestry in recent years.

Their candidate Craig Emery said: “Residents are fed up with the mainstream parties, too many U-turns and too many policies that benefit a small section of society.

“The Green Party offers real hope and real change. A huge Green vote, and a strong group of Green MPs is needed now more than ever.”

“I’ve already been inundated with good luck messages and support locally, it truly is humbling to receive such support from my local community. I’m not under any illusions that I’m up against two sitting MP’s but I’m confident we can make an impact in North Shropshire.”

Reform UK have yet to release a statement but have nominated former Mayor of Market Drayton, Mark Whittle who defected to the party from the Conservatives at the time of the North Shropshire by-election in 2021.

The Labour Party have yet to nominate an official candidate for the constituency but the local party have said they are campaigning for “a Britain where there is a first-class health service free at the point of use; where education is always a priority; and where you and your family are treated equally and can feel safe and secure.”