FLYTIPPING on a rural lane in Trefonen has left a senior Shropshire councillor furious and hoping the culprits will be brought to justice.

Councillor Joyce Barrow, a former Oswestry mayoress and current member for Trefonen, said that items were strewn across Little London Lane in the village.

She was full of praise for Shropshire Council in clearing the mess, including paint bottles, tins, plastic matting and black bin bags, and hopes that the people responsible for the mess are given the maximum punishment.


She said: “Last week I was extremely annoyed that fly tipping had taken place in Little London Lane in Trefonen.

“It’s a quiet lane, used by residents, walkers and riders. 

“I am certain that it wasn’t anyone local as residents are very respectful of our beautiful village. 

“Fortunately, a resident has some footage from their security camera, and Trefonen Shop also has footage of a flatbed vehicle, with tarpaulin over the top, from the time the incident occurred. 

“Items in the rubbish have been saved to try and catch the culprits. 

“I hope that if and when they are caught, they are fined to the maximum. 

“Officers of Shropshire Council reacted extremely quickly and it was cleared up within two days. 

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“It is disgusting that anyone should treat the countryside in this way.”

Cllr Barrow added that police were still to be contacted over the incident but that Shropshire Council had the items needed ahead of a potential prosecution.

Shropshire Council was approached for comment.