A pupil from a school just outside Oswestry is celebrating having gained a place at the National Youth Theatre.

Holly Harney, a year 11 student from Moreton Hall, accomplished the remarkable feat despite more than 6,500 actors auditioning, with only 8 per cent accepted.

The theatre counts renowned actors such as Helen Mirren, Daniel Craig, and Colin Firth among its illustrious alumni.

Ms Harney shared insight on her journey, saying: "I auditioned back in March and then was recalled in April, during the Easter break.

"For the audition, I had to perform a monologue and take part in an interview.

"Although the process seemed daunting to begin with, I enjoyed getting into a new character, and reading a new contemporary text.

“The recall audition went well and I left feeling hopeful, but also accepting that I may not get in, after all so many people apply each year."

She also spoke about her success and euphoria about being accepted into the theatre.

She added: "When I found out that I was accepted, I couldn’t believe it.

"I called home straight away to tell my parents, who were equally as excited.

"This means that I am invited to go on a two-week acting course in the summer at The Old Red Theatre, Birmingham with one of the most prestigious youth theatre companies in the country.

"And once I have completed the course, I will be an official member of the company, which means I can take part in many of their workshops and masterclasses, as well as audition for parts in their professional productions!"

Moreton Hall's Head of Drama, Michael Jenkins. said: "Holly’s place in the National Youth Theatre is so deserved.

"She has been committed to her studies of Drama since joining Moreton Hall and has been crafting her skill on stage at The Holroyd Community Theatre in many public performances."

Mr Jenkins added: "The monologue that Holly performed for her initial audition, and then the recall audition, was taken from a contemporary play called “LITT”, and explored some challenging themes.

"Holly performed the monologue with an outstanding understanding of the text and deep emotional connection.

"I am not surprised in the slightest that Holly has been selected to join NYT, as her talent and skill level are superb."