THE outgoing Ellesmere mayor Anne Wignall has thanked the town for the ‘love and warmth’ shown to her following her husband’s death, as she steps down from the role.

Councillor Wignall’s time as mayor comes to an end this month after two years which has seen the town mark national events of huge importance such as Queen Elizabeth II’s passing and the coronation of King Charles III.

But she used her outgoing message to pay tribute to her husband, who died earlier this year, and to the work he carried out in Ellesmere as headmaster of the College.


She said: “I have felt very privileged to be the Mayor of Ellesmere during two years when the country experienced some memorable events.

“Ellesmere marked these occasions with appropriate joy and solemnity with community parades, church services and the unveiling of plaques.”

She added: “My husband, Brendan, was at my side for so many of these events, in spite of his diagnosis of neuroendocrine cancer.

“He created scholarships for local students, provided free food, drink, labour and transport for numerous Ellesmere events, and as chairman of the North West Academies Trust he helped to maintain Ellesmere Primary School, and kept the swimming pool open.

“I  know that I am fortunate to live in such a warm and friendly place where there is tremendous community spirit, and where I have felt that community support strongly in the four months since my husband's death.”

Cllr Wignall said she was proud of the community projects such as the Ellesmere Food Share, based at Our Space, which supports up to 100 families a week with a team of 40 hard-working volunteers and generous donations from people, and other groups.

She added: “I was delighted to raise almost £5,000 through various fundraising initiatives and this has been shared between my chosen charities Ellesmere Food Share and local youth organisations.

“It was a pleasure to visit many community groups across the two years and to bring almost 40 of them together at a Community Groups Day in March where they could let people know what they do and carry out some useful networking between themselves.

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“I was pleased to nominate both Fizzgigs and Ellesmere Yarn Bombers for the High Sheriff's Community Award.

“I must thank our town clerk Jo Butterworth and the team at the town hall for everything they do to help make Ellesmere the wonderful town that it is.

“And my deputy mayor Cllr Graham Hutchinson and all the town councillors for their hard work on behalf of local people.”