COUNCILLORS in Ellesmere have explained why the town council has agreed to set a higher Council Tax precept for the coming year.

At the January meeting of Ellesmere Town Council, councillors agreed to set the budget for the Financial Year 2024/25.

Councillors agreed to increase the Council Tax precept by eight per cent which the council says is equivalent to an increase of 26p per week on a band D property.


Councillor Graham Hutchinson, chairman of the Finance and Resources Committee, says the increase is evidence of the financial pressures that all councils face because of funding cuts.

He said: “All local councils have their different circumstances to consider.

“And they are seeking to support their communities in the best way they can in these difficult times by maintaining the important services that they provide.

“This increase is in line with many other councils across the country.

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“Careful management in recent years has meant that Ellesmere Town Council was able to approve the repair of the Town Hall roof in 2023/24, and residents will have seen this work being carried out in recent weeks on this important local amenity.

“The council’s financial position remains healthy, and it is committed to maintaining its services to the community.

“This necessary increase in the precept will help to sustain this situation.”