Ambitions for a water-play facility in Oswestry could finally be realised with the town council set to discuss a £500,000 cash injection to fund the scheme.

Budget proposals will come before Oswestry town councillors this week (December 10),  as the authority draws up its plans for the new financial year, with a raft of capital projects set to be discussed.

A total of half-a-million pounds has been earmarked to resolve the long-running splash pad issue in Cae Glas Park, a scheme which was first proposed in early 2021. Last month, councillors voted to appoint an architect to come up with a masterplan for Cae Glas to help them decide how the scheme would best be delivered.

If approved, the funding would be provided by the one off “windfall” receipt from the sale of the former Smithfield Cattle Market site, a report to council says.

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Also under the microscope is £250,000 budgeted for the redevelopment of the town’s youth facilities at ‘The Centre’, a Shropshire Council building on Oak Street which the town council is considering taking over.

The building requires substantial repairs, despite only being around ten years old, with the town council currently locked in negotiations with the unitary authority regarding the transfer of the building.

A further £105,000 has been flagged for improving public conveniences, while £170,000 has been budgeted for the renovation of the Grade I listed Llwyd Mansion on Cross Street.

Car parking charges in the town are set to be frozen for the new year, but councillors will discuss a proposed 5% increase in the town council precept, equivalent to around £2.80 for a Band A property in 2024/25. A 5% increase in some other fees and charges is also proposed.


“The existing policy of having reserves and balances of between £1.7m and £2.1m has been reviewed in light of the Covid pandemic and the impact that this had on the Council’s income,” said Town Clerk Arren Roberts and Financial Officer Helen Belton in a joint report to the council.

“External audit has also reminded the Council to be mindful of its level of reserves and balances when setting the precept. With this in mind, it is an objective to reduce our reserves and balances to £1.5m by the end of the 2025/26.

“Despite many of the challenges faced by this Council, the Council remains in a good financial position and is using its finances to deliver positive impact for the people of Oswestry.”