MUCH of north Shropshire and North Wales is being warned to brace itself for high winds on Thursday after the Met Office issued a yellow weather warning.

The shortest day of the year – December 21 – will be seen in with high gusts of wind from midnight until 24 hours later.

The winds are expected to cover all of Scotland, Northern Ireland and much of northern England.

A met Office spokesman said: “There is a small chance of longer journey times or cancellations as road, rail, air and ferry services are affected

“There is a slight chance of some damage to buildings, such as tiles blown from roofs

“There is a slight chance that power cuts may occur, with the potential to affect other services, such as mobile phone coverage

“There is a small chance that injuries and danger to life could occur from large waves and beach material being thrown onto sea fronts, coastal roads and properties

“There is a small chance of injuries and danger to life from flying debris

“There is a small chance that some roads and bridges could close.”