SHROPSHIRE Council has announced that work to reinstate the pavement on Cross Street in Oswestry is set to start this week and last for up to five days.

Work to replace a temporary reinstatement of the pavement with stone slabs is to be carried out by Openreach today (Tuesday, December 5).

Dan Morris, Shropshire Council’s Cabinet member for highways, said: “I’m pleased that the permanent replacement of the stone slabs is to be carried out.


“We completely understand the frustration of local residents about the appearance of Cross Street since this temporary repair was carried out and have worked closely with Openreach to ensure that the slabs are reinstated at the earliest opportunity.

‘’The work will be closely monitored by the council’s street works team to ensure that the area is reinstated to a satisfactory state.’’

In July work was undertaken in Cross Street by contractors working on behalf of Openreach. A number of the stone slabs were damaged whilst being removed. An interim reinstatement of the pavement was then put in place to keep the area safe for the public.

Under current national legislation utilities companies are permitted to do this type of repair provided that a permanent repair of the surface is complete within six months.

However Shropshire Council has worked closely with Openreach to ensure that a permanent repair is carried out sooner than the permitted timescale.

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Openreach and their contractors have now sourced the appropriate slabs, enabling a permanent and matching repair to be carried out, well within the six-month timeframe.

A spokesperson for Openreach said: “We fully understand how important it is to return Cross Street to how it was before the work took place.

“We’ve made sure we’ve matched up the replacement stones as closely as possible to ensure the best finish.”