A MAJOR Oswestry building is set for a major makeover after Shropshire Council passed plans to modernise its look on Friday.

In late summer, Oswestry Town Council proposed to replace signs on the front and back of the Powis Market Hall, on the Bailey Head, as well as the creation of a mural on the side, facing the Horse market car park.

Councillors in the town agreed to pay for the £15,000 upgrade in September while planning proposals were officially submitted last month, and Shropshire Council planning officer Janet Davies rubber-stamped the proposal on November 24.


There will be 11 signs in all as well as new paintwork and the mural.

In her report, she said that the new signage will be to replace existing signs, will not be illuminated and though the building is within the Oswestry Conservation Area, the application does not impact on the area.

She added: “The application seeks consent for the display of new signage on the front of the building and the replacement of existing signage on the side and rear of the building.

“The stated intention is ‘to modernise the branding and improve the building cosmetically’.

“The new signage scheme is proposed to be carried out in conjunction with general repainting works to the building and the creation of a painted mural to the west side elevation.

“The proposed signs would not appear vastly different from the existing signage and it is considered that the works as a whole would result in a visual enhancement of the building.”

She added: “Officers, therefore, conclude that no harm will be caused by the proposal and therefore in line with local and national policies and Section 72, which requires special attention to be given to the desirability of preserving or enhancing the character or appearance of the conservation area, is not engaged when weighing public benefits of the scheme against any harm that may arise as a result of the development.

“The proposed signs generally replace existing signs and are deemed to be acceptable in their siting, scale, design and materials. Furthermore, no illumination is proposed.

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“The application is therefore recommended for approval in accordance with national and local development plans policies.”

However, a number of conditions were placed on the application stating that signs should not be places in any location hat could hinder public information signs or CCTV/speed cameras.

The standard conditions placed on the decision also include ensuring they are maintained.