A second lucky postcode in North Shropshire has won big in Thursday's postcode after last week's win for a St Martins Postcode.

A Weston Rhyn postcode has come up in today's draw meaning anyone with a ticket could be in for £1,000 prize.

The lottery sees players signing up with their postcode and paying £12 per month.

They are "automatically entered into every draw and prizes are announced every day of the month".


In today's draw anyone living in the SY10 7TT postcode, which covers Aspen Court and parts of Aspen Grange just off Station Road in Weston Rhyn, will be in line to pick up the cash prize.

The Lottery, which is hugely popular across the UK prides itself for supporting "charities and good causes across Britain and around the world" with 33 per cent of the ticket price goes to charities which help "amazing causes every single day"

This has provided more than £1.1 billion in funding which accordin to the Lottery is helping "thousands of organisations and projects".