A STUDENT from a school near Oswestry has made a statement by wearing a skirt to school last week, in protest at being barred from wearing shorts.

Oliver Heaton, 13, is a Year 8 student at St Martins School in Shropshire, who in the face of the recent heatwave decided to wear a skirt to school.

At the beginning of last week, two of Oliver’s friends were put in detention for coming to school wearing shorts.

He said: “I thought that was unfair.

“So, one of my teachers said to me ‘you’re more than welcome to wear a skirt’, then the next day I turned up in one.”


Oliver got sent to the headteacher’s office, and it seems like his actions have helped create a positive effect for future generations at the school. 

Headteacher Sue Lovecy said: "Our uniform policy is always reviewed through the proper channels and we are currently looking to add tailored shorts for secondary boys and girls in the summer term.

"We are doing this following some very eloquent and informed letters from students.

"We are an inclusive school and we were happy to loan Oliver the skirt from our uniform selection on this occasion."

The Year 8 student jokingly told his mother, Sophie, about his idea but she had no clue that he was going to do it.

“I told her I would, so I did," he said. 

“I think it’s quite silly in this heat really, and really unfair that girls can wear skirts and we can’t wear shorts.”

“People looked at me funny, and others thought it was cool.”

Border Counties Advertizer: Oliver playing with a football wearing a skirt. Oliver playing with a football wearing a skirt. (Image: Sophie Heaton)

Sophie said she didn’t know until he got home, but she was very happy with his actions.

She added: “I was really proud of him for taking a stand for the others and being a role model.

“I didn’t hear anything from the school and he didn’t get sent home either.

“I think it’s important what he is doing because they’ve all been complaining about the heat, and girls have two options, so I think so should boys.”

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Oliver was able to be in school the whole day and not get a detention, which he thought it was cool, and important for his message.

He added: “I might do it again this week and some of my friends might join me."

The school's uniform policy on its website states that pupils are expected to wear either trousers or a skirt.