A FREE led rail walk is planned later this month to celebrate Community Rail Week.

The walk, organised by 3 Counties Connected, is starting and finishing from Chirk Station on Monday, May 22.

Community Rail Week, from May 22 to 28, is an opportunity for Community Rail partnerships across the country to showcase their projects and initiatives.

Events this year are around the theme of Connecting Communities by Rail, and more events are planned for the week.

Organisers hope members of the community and rail users will join the walk leader, for a moderate, 3.5-mile circular woodland walk, with beautiful views of Chirk parkland. The walk is mainly on paths, with a couple of sections crossing over fields.

This free led walk is an opportunity for people to enjoy a sociable wellbeing walk that starts and finishes from Chirk Station, with the opportunity to visit a local café following the walk for refreshments.

Well behaved dogs on leads are welcome. The walk has some rough, uneven terrain, inclines, gravel paths, road and fields, and anyone joining the walk should have suitable footwear.

Those taking part are asked to meet at Chirk Station on Monday, May 22 at 9.15am for a 9.30am start. The walk will last about one hour 45 mins.

Booking is essential, email the 3 Counties Connected Rail Officer at josie.rayworth@3countiesconnected.org.uk