CAMPAIGNERS against building near to Oswestry’s hillfort, including North Shropshire MP Helen Morgan, have called for controversial plans to go to Shropshire Council’s planning committee.

Campaign group Hands Off Old Oswestry Hillfort (HOOOH has submitted paperwork calling for the 83-dwelling scheme to be decided by Shropshire Council’s North Planning Committee and not delegated officers.

Mrs Morgan has backed the move, having already submitted objections to the planning application.

She contacted HOOOH to confirm that she has written to Shropshire Council urging them to ensure that the proposals go before committee in the interests of ‘justice, accountability and fair play’.

And according to HOOOH, Mrs Morgan told campaigners that Shropshire’s development manager, Philip Mullineux, had replied to say that no decision had yet been made on who would determine the application.

HOOOH has asked Oswestry Town Council to initiate a call-in as a local council stakeholder that has objected to the proposals.

Campaigners have also written to Shropshire councillors, Chris Schofield and John Price, requesting their assistance with a call-in as the relevant council members for Oswestry.

A spokesman for HOOH said: “As you will be aware, there has been 10 years of significant and sustained local opposition to development expressed through the local planning process and several development planning applications.

“There has also been opposition at national level from British heritage bodies due to the heritage significance of Old Oswestry.


“Those against include Oswestry Town Council, MP Helen Morgan, Oswestry Civic Society, Cambrian Heritage Railways and Hillfort expert Professor Sir Barry Cunliffe, among others. 

“Given the significant public interest in this planning bid, we believe it would be unfair and undemocratic for the decision to be delegated to planning officers.

“This would deny the opportunity for a highly engaged public to make their final representations and for elected councillors to scrutinise and balance the evidence, including the many objections based on material considerations, concerning a highly controversial bid.”

English Heritage, the national guardian of the hillfort, has described Old Oswestry as ‘one of the greatest archaeological monuments of the nation’.

HOOOH says the proposals fail on numerous material points, including SAMDev local planning policy for Oswestry (S14a) and the supporting Statement of Common Ground signed by Historic England and Shropshire Council.

In addition to objections by Oswestry Town Council, HOOOH added the development would be poorly-located in relation to the town centre and essential facilities and would add to traffic chaos in an already congested part of the town.

A HOOOH spokesperson said: “It is only right that the application goes before committee so that our elected members can ensure that the policy and heritage protection they approved are upheld.”

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