AN MP is urging her constituents to get in touch as she prepares to embark on her second 'Summer Tour'.

Helen Morgan, MP for North Shropshire, says she wants people’s voices to be heard on the big issues in their area ahead of her tour of the constituency.

Mrs Morgan will tour towns and villages to hear from residents about what they most want to see improved where they live.

She said: “Getting out and about talking to constituents is what the job is all about, and I want to hear from as many people in North Shropshire as possible about what they want to see from their Member of Parliament.

“Last year’s Summer Tour was a real success story and saw lots of important issues raised. From health services to the state of the roads, I’ve taken those issues with me down to Parliament over the past 12 months.


“This year, I want to hear from even more people, and to talk about the big issues impacting our villages and towns.

“If you have a suggestion for an issue that needs particular attention in your area, please get in touch and let me know – big or small, I want to keep get stuck in and fighting our area’s corner.”

Last year, the MP visited the five towns in her seat, and made stops in several villages including Whittington, Melverley, Pant and Ruyton XI-Towns.

This year, Mrs Morgan is hoping to add visits to Trefonen, West Felton, Baschurch, Gobowen, Shawbury, St Martins, Morda and others to the list.

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The tour will begin towards the end of May, making use of better weather and popular market days.

The MP can be emailed on or residents can leave a message on 020 7219 6104.