A TOURIST attraction in Chirk has teamed up with a group of community organisation to offer a new social space.

Chirk Castle is working with anti-aging charity the Rainbow Foundation, carers group NEWCIS, and social mobility charity We Mind the Gap, to help the community enjoy green spaces.

They have created reflective spaces, including a range of seats, wildlife corridors and a willow dome, providing a combination of quiet individual spaces and areas for communal reflection.

At Chirk Castle, the Mindful Meadow project, which was completed recently, is creating a space for the local community to use as part of their positive choices for a healthy lifestyle. 

A spokesperson from the castle said: "The importance of connecting to nature to support health and wellbeing is well documented and the National Trust is committed to providing opportunities for all to find quiet, peace and beauty in the landscape. 

"At Chirk Castle, our Mindful Meadow project is creating a beautiful space for the local community to use as part of their positive choices for a healthy lifestyle."


This free to access area will be available for groups to use to host sessions such as counselling, meditation, and reflective walks but is also open access for members of the public who may be seeking a quieter spot to enjoy being closer to nature. 

"We have also been working with artist, David Setter, in collaboration with our community partners to design and install a steel totem pole drawing inspiration from nature and depicting images and words from workshop sessions with North East Wales Mind and NEWCIS Young Carers," they added.

It is not only people who will benefit from this project, they will also be improving habitats and biodiversity by planting native tree species, pollinator friendly plants, hedgerows, wildlife corridors and installing wildlife homes. 

They continued: "We will be supporting nature to in turn help support those in our communities."

The Mindful Meadow is funded by Cadwyn Clwyd and will open in spring 2023.

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