AN OSWESTRY woman found at her home died from alcohol-related reasons, a senior Shropshire coroner has ruled.

Helen Stokes died at her home in Beresford Gardens, in Oswestry, on Thursday, November 3, after a family member called the emergency services.

Ms Stokes, 62, lived alone but close to family members who were in regular contact with her.

What happens at an inquest and what can the press report?

Reporting on inquests is one of the most difficult jobs faced by any journalist, but there are important reasons why local newspapers attend coroner’s court hearings and report on proceedings.

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John Ellery, Shropshire coroner, heard that a family member had dropped off something at her house but did not receive a reply.

They left the item at the house but returned later when they still did not receive a response from her, and let themselves in with a family key and found her.

A cause of death was given as high alcohol toxicity and Mr Ellery concluded that Ms Stokes died an alcohol-related death.