AN OLYMPIC quadruple gold medal winning cyclist will be coming to Oswestry in February to give a talk about the highs and lows of her career.

Dame Laura Kenny is one of the nation's most successful Great Britain Olympic athlete in history, and she will head to Oswestry School on Thursday, February 9, from 7pm.

The event is being run by Alan Lewis, who owns local sports company Adrenaline Sporting Events, and who is really proud of bringing another well known athlete to Oswestry, the third in the past 12 months.

He is excited for this event as he feels it's a chance to bring more representation for the women in the community, and hopes that this talk will inspire all ages and genders.

Alan said: " All of these Olympians have their own unique story and sometimes even though the other outlets give you a pretty good insight into their lives, you never really get the whole story.

"And we wanted to give the people of Oswestry the opportunity to see some of them in person."

He added: "Because we have Laura coming over in February, we can ask her the questions we feel will have answers that will inspire our audience."

The sports company wants to show locals and to find out what has made her what she is, and to show the struggles of a little girl from Essex.

"When did she start to realise as a little girl or as a teenager, that she could really be what she is today, and what that journey has been like." said Allan "If there has been tougher moments, it would be inspiring for many local people and children to hear the story."

He explains that is a privilege to get these athletes to come as they are so busy, and hopes that people will enjoy the talk.

Tickets are available for the event from