Not content to have someone who appeared to be under the influence to paint the lines in Beatrice Street, Cleobury Mortimer have their ‘Crooked Spire’ we have our ‘Crooked Lines’, doesn’t have the same ring to it somehow.

Shropshire Council Highways have rubbed salt in the wound of the ‘Crooked Lines’ and painted a ‘Loading Only’ where none existed previously. On the building overlooking the ‘Loading Only’ (Trisha’s) there is a sign on the wall saying that parking is permitted for 40 mins; a contradiction or what?



Not content in allowing roads in Oswestry to deteriorate to such an extent that they are dangerous, when they do belatedly decide to re-surface a road they take it as an opportunity to install restrictions where none previously existed, contradict existing signs, make a complete mess of road marking and then have the temerity to send in their ‘parking Stasi’ to issue parking tickets to all and sundry.

Is this legal? We have four Shropshire councillors on our town council are they walking around with their eyes shut?

Paul Wiseman,

Vyrnwy Road, Oswestry.