I DIDN'T vote for Helen Morgan at the last election. I won’t vote for her at the next election, either.

I don’t like some of the things her party stands for and I don’t like the way, when she stood for this highly Leave constituency, she erased all traces of her previous passion to Remain.

It suggested a lack of concern for the truth.

Nevertheless, I have to express my admiration for her ability to publicise her achievements – even those that don’t really exist.

Anyone reading last week’s Advertizer will understand that she has forced the government to allow a debate on the shortage of ambulances in North Shropshire.

The Minister will be called to account, MPs in serried ranks will hear Helen present the arguments, and then there will be a vote.


That’s what happens with debates in Parliament – isn’t it?

Well... no.

Because there are debates, and then there are debates. And what Helen Morgan has got is an adjournment debate.

What will happen is this.

At the end of the parliamentary day, when the chamber is in any case already almost empty and all of the day’s business has been done, it will be moved “That this House do now adjourn”.

Anyone left in the chamber (and there will be precious few) will make a beeline for the exits and the bars.

To an almost empty chamber, our MP will move that the Minister take note of the shortage of ambulances in the MP’s constituency. The Minister, or whatever poor schmuck he has instructed to stand in for him, will say, “Yes, dear” (or words to that effect).

There will be no debate, no discussion, no vote and no decision. And then it will be over. And not a thing will have changed.

A complete waste of time?

Oh, we can’t say that. Our MP will report that the debate took place and that she is doing what she undertook to do by drawing our situation to the attention of people who could do something about it.

It will do nothing to make it easier for someone in these parts to get an ambulance when they need one – but the God of fake publicity will have been served.

And that’s the only god Lib Dems care about.

John Lynch,

Larkhill Road, Park Hall.