OSWESTRY Town Council has revealed it is looking for volunteers to assist with a massive tree planting campaign at the cemetery.

On Tuesday, March 23, members of the town council will undertake their quest to plant more than 1,000 trees at the cemetery in Victoria Road.

A call has been put out for volunteers to visit the site on the day, ideally with their own equipment to assist with the planting.

A spokesman for the town council confirmed that training would be given to those who arrived on the day.

"Join us any time between 10am and 3pm on Tuesday, March 23 to help us plant a new hedge of 1,300 native trees at Oswestry Cemetery," said the spokesman.

"It would be helpful if you could please bring a spade, gloves and sturdy footwear.

"Training will be given, and social distancing observed.

"Thank you!"