WORK on trying to restore parts of the Montgomery Canal has resumed following Christmas and the early stages of lockdown.

The Shropshire Union Canal Society volunteers’ fortnightly work-party programme was back again at the weekend, restoring the Montgomery Canal near Crickheath, following the enforced stay-at-home order in Wales and England.

But as that has been lifted or relaxed in both countries, volunteers' publicity officer Fred Barratt says they are looking forward to getting back to it.

"As principal contractors for the Canal and Rivers Trust (CRT), we are now able to start again, observing the working protocols laid down in the relevant Health and Safety documents," he said.


"The main task will be to work on shaping the channel in preparation for lining later in the year.

"The rebuilding of School House Bridge, a separate project, run by the Restore The Montgomery Group, half a mile south west, of Crickheath, has also begun, and still has a completion date of 2021.

"A survey of the canal channel from Crickheath Bridge to the site of School House Bridge has been commissioned by CRT to enable towpath levels and the working depth to be established.

"This will benefit the new School House Bridge construction, and provide specific information for any future work being undertaken in this section."

Both work parties were recently praised by Shropshire Council, with some councillors predicting the restored canal and bridge could bridge jobs and tourism to the area.