Despite Storm Ciara working her way to wreak havoc on these shores, plenty braved the colder weather to kick-off the snowdrop walks at Chirk Castle.

They cold air failed to put off all those who wanted to take part, from very young to those more experienced in the walks, and it showed the best of the castle grounds as the snowdrops blossomed.

A spokesman for Chirk Castle was delighted to see so many people there and hopes for many more to come and enjoy the grounds over the coming weeks.

"From February 1, 2020, snowdrop season at Chirk Castle is our traditional way to dust off the old year and embrace the new," said the spokesman.

"With a beautiful white carpet of snowdrops throughout the Pleasure Ground Wood, including some rare species, and also patches of snowdrops across the wider estate, there's plenty of space to wander and find the perfect viewpoint or photo."

For more details about when is best to see the snowdrops, head to