OFFICERS have ‘congratulated’ a Deeside man on achieving the ‘fastest ever breach of a Criminal Behaviour Order’.

A tongue-in-cheek post on social media was issued about Lee Kutryk who was handed a six-month suspended prison sentence and a Criminal Behaviour Order for driving at a police officer.

One of the conditions of this order was to refrain from using abusive language – which he broke in the court building by swearing at a police officer.

A spokesman for the North Flintshire policing team said: “We would like to offer our congratulations to Lee Kutryk. We’re pretty confident he has just achieved a world record for fastest ever breach of a Criminal Behaviour Order!

“So here he is going back to court for the breach, along with his other conditions, valid for two years.”

The order states that he must not be intoxicated through drink or drugs in a public place in England or Wales or be in possession of any vehicle keys suitable for starting a motor vehicle.

The 24-year-old must not use or encourage others to use foul, abusive, insulting, offensive, threatening, disorderly or intimidating language or behaviour in any public place in England or Wales.

He must also not enter certain areas as defined by the court which is the coastal footpath, North Street, Green Lane and Chevrons Road in Deeside.