Chirk Parish Hall was buzzing with shoppers who came to have rummage and raise money for a local group.

Chirk Community Hospital Circle of Friends held their monthly rummage sale this morning, with a variety of stalls on offer and refreshments for those who were all shopped out.

In the middle of the Parish Hall were racks of clothes, all donated by the community

Chirk town councillor Barbara Humphreys said that it had been a busy morning at the rummage sale.

"We've been very busy – it's been a great day," she said.

"All that doesn't get sold goes on to the Air Ambulance, so that they can sell it and raise money too."

Sybil Jones, chairman of the Circle of Friends, said she was pleased with the event.

"It's always a very popular event," she said.

"There's plenty of stalls and refreshments for everyone to enjoy, and it's nice to see a few familiar faces.

"I'm not sure how much we've raised today but I know it's been busy!"

The Circle of Friends will be hosting their annual Tree of Light event at the community hospital on Saturday December 8.

The event sees the official lighting and blessing of the Christmas Tree at the hospital, followed by an opportunity to post a message on the tree and some refreshments.

The next rummage sale is in January.