PUBLIC toilets in Rhayader are “vital” for the town’s survival and need to be retained.

That is the overwhelming opinion of local residents, who have said keeping them open is key for tourism and the local economy.

The outpouring of public opinion came after Rhayader Town Council asked for views on whether to keep the public toilets in the Dark Lane car park open.

“We are evaluating the need for the public toilets in Rhayader car park and we need your urgent feedback,” said the town council in a Facebook post today (May 16).

The council asked people to comment on why the toilets should be saved, whether it should invest, to make the toilets more sustainable, and to share the Facebook post.


The post attracted numerous responses and was liked by more than 150 people in a matter of hours.

Mayor Rhys Thomas said: “These toilets are vital for not just visitors who bring a massive amount to trade to our fantastic shops, but also people working in the community and people with disabilities who need access.

“They must have investment. We must keep them open.”

Hayley Davies pointed out that the Dark Lane toilets are even more significant as they are the only such facility in town.

Anthony Park added: “Ignore the needs of holiday visitors at your peri. Availability of toilets should be a human right and in future planning permissions.”

Lesley O'Donovan said: “They are a convenient amenity for visitors and the local community.

“Having public toilets available is essential for anyone visiting or living in Rhayader. It's especially important for people who may not be able to make it home quickly, such as young children, elderly people, or those with medical conditions.

“If we don’t have public toilets then unfortunately we will have public urination and littering.

“Public toilets help to keep the town clean and pleasant for everyone. Without them, people might resort to using alleyways or doorway.

“They help to make Rhayader a more welcoming place for everyone.”

“As the Outdoor Capital of Wales services like this are essential in keeping Rhayader alive in the heart of Wales,” said Dai Davies.

“These are a vital asset to not only the residents of Rhayader but all those that pass through.”

The toilets are located ideally in the centre of town, close to shops, pubs and cafes, adjacent to the main town centre car park and across the road from the leisure centre.

They provide vital respite for both locals and visitors to town, with Rhayader a busy stop along the A470 passing through the heart of Powys.

There have been issues in the past, including a suspected arson attack that happened shortly before Christmas 2022, when the toilets were set alight.

If you’d like to voice your opinion on the future of the toilets, visit the town council’s Facebook page or contact them via email on