RYAN Reynolds is coming to Oswestry!

Well, one of his films is anyway, with the Wrexham co-owner’s most ‘intense film’ Buried coming to Kinokulture as part of the Oswestry Film Society.

The Canadian’s claustrophobic performance is rated one of the best of his career and one of the first films to be shown after a small summer break.

A society spokesman said: “With all his Wrexham fame, it's about time we featured Ryan Reynolds at the Oswestry Film Society and arguably his most intense film Buried is on the big screen with us on September 19. 

“Next up though, a reminder that dark British comedy Death at a Funderal is with us next week and then after a brief break for the rest of August, we're back with the cult favourite The Princess Bride on September 5.

“More details, previews and tickets as always via oswestryfilmsociety.com