HIGHWAYS officers have demanded details on how a popular tourist attraction near Oswestry will manage event traffic.

Robert Jaffier from Highways England said he required the document as part of the retrospective planning application for the British Ironwork Centre.

The plan was one of three conditions put forward by the government company in August.

But since then the applicants have submitted a survey of traffic entering and leaving the site.

Mr Jaffier said the survey did not say if those numbers related to events.

He continued: “While Highways England appreciate the submission of transport survey data for the number of vehicles entering and leaving the British Ironwork Centre over a period of regular working days, the applicant has offered no supporting commentary to place the data in its full context. For example, it is not specified whether during this period one of the scheduled events listed on the applicant’s website was carried out.

“Therefore, our previously implemented condition requiring the development and implementation of an Event Traffic Management Plan remains live to ensure the continued safe operation of the A5 trunk road.”

One of the major concerns of the proposal is over vehicles entering and exiting the site via the A5 bypass.

In August, Mr Jaffier set out a series of three conditions should planning permission be given by Shropshire Council.

These included making safety improvements to the entrance within 12 months and submitting a parking management strategy.

The event plan would consider how additional traffic would impact on the A5 and the surrounding road network, and how it would be managed by the Ironworks team.

At that time Mr Jaffier said: “We note however that beyond the typical day-to-day operation of the site that events at the British Ironwork Centre are a common feature of its operation. Events are likely to result in higher than typically development traffic flows utilising the site access.

“Our review of the event schedule for the British Ironwork Centre, as

displayed on their website, notes several music, children’s and other events which are likely to prove to be popular.

“Where the traffic implications of such events may be significant then these should be managed to ensure vehicular traffic can safely access and egress the site via the A5.”

Plans for retrospective permission were pulled at the end of 2017. They were resubmitted in July and a decision is expected from Shropshire Council in October.