A housing development in Oswestry faces further delays after concerns were raised by highways officers.

Patrick Thomas, asset manager for Highways England, has asked for more information regarding the proposal to build 150 homes off Middleton Road.

In particular, he has requested a response to the submitted road safety audit.

It is the fourth time the government body has requested delays to Shropshire Council making a decision on the plans because of highways concerns.

Mr Thomas said: “Our initial comments are now with the applicant, which they will need to address. The designer will need to produce a road-safety audit response report demonstrating the matters raised can be suitably addressed.

“This process needs to be completed and approved by us prior to any planning permission being granted.”

The proposed delay is up to three months.

The application was submitted by Jennings Estates Ltd in December 2017.

If successful, it would form part of the sustainable urban extension (SUE) along with 600 homes off Shrewsbury Road which have already been approved.

Previous road-safety concerns surrounded the impact the development would have on the Mile End roundabout after it was agreed a road would pass through both housing estates.

Penny Bicknell, of agents Les Stephan Planning Ltd, said at the time of submitting the plans: “The transport assessment concludes there are no particular safety concerns on the highway network surrounding the site that would warrant mitigation as part of the proposed scheme.

“The junction capacity assessments on the local highway network – not including Mile End roundabout – found the forecast level of traffic generated by the development can be adequately accommodated and a mitigation scheme has been developed to deal with the issues at the Mile End roundabout.

“The indicative masterplan demonstrates the potential linkage through to the

southern portion of the SUE, details of which will be agreed with the council and the adjoining landowners following further discussion.

“A residential travel plan also supports the application and provides details of the sustainable travel measures to be made available for the proposed development and its end users.”